Road safety Audit
A road safety audit is a systematic evaluation of road infrastructure
and traffic control measures to identify potential safety issues and
recommend improvements that can enhance overall road safety. The purpose
of a road safety audit is to prevent or reduce the likelihood of accidents
and minimize the severity of crashes on a particular road or highway.
Coodinator : Joel Jere
Started On: 24 July 2023
13:00 PM
Key Points
On-Site Assessment, Identify Hazards and Safety Concerns & Continuous Improvement
1. On-Site Assessment:
Evaluate the layout of the
road, visibility, signage, road markings, lighting,
pedestrian facilities, and other factors that may affect road safety.
2. Identify Hazards and Safety Concerns:
Identify potential
safety hazards, collision-prone locations, and design deficiencies that
could lead to accidents or increase the severity of crashes.Consider the
needs and safety of all road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.
3. Continuous Improvement:
Road safety audits should be an ongoing process
for new road projects, as well as periodic reviews of existing infrastructure.
Continuously update road safety standards and practices based on new research
and lessons learned from previous audits.
Road safety audits play a crucial role in identifying and rectifying potential
safety hazards, making roads and intersections safer for all users. By investing
in road safety audits and implementing the recommended improvements, communities
can reduce the number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities on their road networks.